When Is My Wedding

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dress Shopping and Bridesmaids...

Well...We have done so much this last week.
Dress shopping...Check.

Yep, I got my dress. I went with my sister Caroline and friend and bridesmaid Bridget. My mom was supposed to come too, but they are selling their house and it was going to be too hard for her to pack and get ready just to have a fun girls day. I was a little bummed, but totally understood. We decided to make it a whole day, and so Bridget, Caroline, B's sister (10 years old) and I headed up to Bellevue to look at dresses. Let me clairify that I had no intention in finding a dress that day!

So, after trying on 2 dresses, I knew the moment I tried the dress on! Was it just like the show? Say Yes to The Dress? Yep. But of course, I made sure that I tried a half a dozen more dresses before I even made Tawna ask me "Is this your dress?" It was fun. We all had a good laugh.

You know, it is what they say. You just know when you know. Kinda like picking a partner. You know when you know.

(The dress above is pretty close to what mine looks like. I love the 80s ruffle look)

And now...drum roll please...I would like to introduce my bridemaids!

Caroline, of course, my sister and best friend will be there by my side. She did after all introduce Michael and I.

Bridget. A close friend and BFF/CF (best friend forever couple friend). In the same 2nd/3rd split in Gig Harbor, grew up in the neighborhood next to us, went to the same private school, and high School. Wierd how people's paths cross, Im excited that we finally got to know eacchother what a journey!

Jennifer H. My dear friend who lives in Texas. Jennifer has been a great friend and has supported me both professionally and Spiritually. And has let me get my baby fix with her new little guy Landon. He is adorable, by the way!

Betty. A great person and friend who has been around since Mike and my second date! Betty and Shawn have been great supports for us through our relationship!

I am excited to be able to share this day with such great friends! It was important that we have people that have been supportive in our relationship to stand by us in our marriage. Thank you to my bridesmaids who have agreed to this comittment, I appreciate you all in my life! =)

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I am so excited to watch this journey unfold! Oh, and love the barbi dress. SOOOO glad you went with the puffy sleave look. Was there ever another option? I think not!
